Richie Commins, Flag Interview with Conall O’Móraín, Sunday Business Post.

10 July 2020

Jodie Gilpin By Jodie Gilpin

Richie began developing the app when he was a final year Business Information Systems student at NUI Galway and is now a participant on the New Frontiers Programme in the Hartnett Centre.


The Flag app was just launched in December and allows passengers to travel and pay with no phone, card or cash while ensuring the driver still gets paid. What makes Flag unique is its wallet-less option, where users upload a photo and create a personal account and if they have insufficient funds or no card they simply give the driver their name and enters a pin on the driver’s app. The user’s photo then appears on the driver’s phone to confirm the identity and the payment is taken from the user’s pre-registered card.

Listen to the Podcast - 42 mins in for 7 mins approx