LIT’s New Frontiers Startup Award 2019 Winners:

30 June 2020

Jodie Gilpin By Jodie Gilpin

LIT’s 2019 New Frontier Startup of the Year - Ivan Tuohy, Great Ireland Experiences. Ivan Tuohy set up Great Ireland Experiences as a software solution for Visitor Attractions. It has a frontend App for the visitor and is smart, intelligent, automated software for the attraction. This innovative app enables attractions to load all content to a single space, capture rich customer data and customise and personalise their sales offerings


Startup Finalist Ciara McGuane is making professional development accessible for teachers - anytime, anywhere with her company Rahoo.

Startup Finalist Laura Jayne Foley is the founder of Canabaoil which is an Irish company growing Cannabis Sativa under licence from the Department of Health and producing legal, non-psychoactive cannabinoid rich resin for the National and International wholesale ingredient market.

Showcase Winner Brendan Reddin and Trisha Kelly, BT wines founded BT Wines with a view to creating a range of premium wines which have a distinct Irish aspect. Their introduction of Irish Peat to the process brings a unique and distinctive Irish element to grape varieties everyone knows and loves.

LIT, Limerick Local Enterprise Office, HOMS Solicitors and Bridgewater Management were the key sponsors for the annual flagship event and came together to provide prizes for each award and give the entrepreneurs a boost on their way to being a successful global company!

Congratulating the New Frontiers graduates Prof Vincent Cunnane, President of LIT emphasised the important role played by New Frontiers entrepreneurs in Irish business.

“Through innovation, dedication, hard work and newly acquired New Frontiers skillsets, these entrepreneurs will develop sustainable businesses that are driving the economy forward and impacting on society.

“It is homegrown businesses like these that are the bedrock of our local economies, rural and urban, while also positively influencing our national economy,” he said.

“At LIT we want to facilitate, support and grow that sense of leadership, that sense of innovation, that entrepreneurial instinct, that passion. We want to help businesses succeed. LIT looks forward to continuing our support as these businesses grow and prosper,” added Prof Cunnane.

Congratulating the entrepreneurs on their passion and bravery Dr Brown said, “LIT has been fortunate to be part of your journey supporting the hard work you have put into your businesses through the New Frontiers Programme. You are indeed a group with global ambition and we look forward to continuing our support as you start and grow your businesses.”